A Building Energy Rating (BER)
certificate rates your home's
energy performance on a scale
between A and G.
A-rated homes are the most energy efficient while G-rated are the least energy efficient.
Understand a BER
A Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate indicates your home’s energy performance on a grading scale, similar to the energy label for household appliances that indicates the level of energy consumption by an appliance.
The cert generally rates the energy performance of your home on a scale of A-G.
A-rated homes are regarded as the most energy-efficient ones, and they also benefit from the lowest energy bills. At the opposite end of the scale, G-rated homes are the least energy-efficient with very high energy bills.
Since 2007, a BER certificate is mandatory for all the buildings being constructed, offered for rent or sale in Ireland. In conjunction with Building Regulations for new homes and homes where significant upgrades are planned, This ensures that all new dwellings are being developed and built in a way that incorporates energy-efficient designs, materials, and appliances in line with the Programme for Government's sustainability objectives.
When someone rents a specific home, they’re in a position to estimate their energy bills based on the home’s BER rating. When in the market for buying a house, potential buyers can also project energy bills based on the home’s BER rating. This essentially means that having a high BER rating greatly improves the value of your home.
A BER certificate is usually valid for up to 10 years, given that there are no material changes to a home that could lead to significant changes in energy performance. A provisional BER cert, which is usually derived from a plan of the unbuilt home, has a maximum validity of 2 years.
This guide will help you better understand the concept of BER certificates in detail, outlining the reasons why you might aspire to having a better BER rating for your home and explaining some common ways of improving your BER to ultimately save you money, reduce your home's carbon emissions, making it more comfortable and boosting its value.
A home’s BER is calculated using bespoke software called DEAP (Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure). The software automatically calculates the energy losses for the dwelling which is delivered as a BER Energy rating.
The inspection takes into account different aspects of your home such as; type of heating systems, whether your home is properly insulated or not, the quality of your windows, your home’s space and volume, the radiators, and other energy-saving measures.
The calculation process also considers the number of people who are likely going to occupy a building, with the score is based on the average number of occupants in buildings of a similar capacity and size.
The energy performance of a home is usually expressed as follows;
The primary energy use per unit floor area per year (kWh/m2/yr) represented on an A to G scale.
The associated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in kgCO2/m2/yr.
It should also be noted that a BER does not cover electricity used for other purposes other than heating, pumps, fans, and lighting. This means that a BER does not consider energy consumed through domestic activity such as cooking, refrigeration, laundry and entertainment.
Firstly, it is a legal requirement that all the buildings constructed since January 2007 have a valid BER certificate indicating their energy performance, so having a BER helps you comply with Ireland's legislation regulating energy use.
Secondly, having a BER certificate helps you to better understand the energy efficiency of your home, with important implications for everyday Irish homeowners.
A BER helps you to save money as you adopt energy-efficient properties. A higher BER requires that your home is well insulated, ventilated, uses renewable energy sources, and uses appliances that save energy. Hence, having a high rating will save you money because energy bills are reduced significantly.
A high BER rating will make your home more comfortable. The use of smart home technology such as programmable thermostats, weather sensors and energy-saving light bulbs makes your home more comfortable. The use of heat pumps in conjunction with heat recovery systems regulates your home’s humidity properly to make sure that the home is comfortable and efficient.
A high BER rating increases the overall value of your home. In case you want to rent or sell your home, potential buyers will consider its BER rating as part of the negotiations.
If the BER rating is poor, a buyer might decline to rent or buy it or offer a lower price due to the levels of upgrade work required. When the rating is high, your home's value improves, and you can more easily rent or sell it.
How you can improve
your BER Rating?
Insulate your home
One of the main factors that lower your BER rating is poorly insulated walls and attics. You should carry out external wall insulation because about 35% of a home's heat is usually lost via the external walls. Insulating external walls will significantly help retain heat within your home and increase your BER rating.
You should also consider cavity wall insulation. If your home has cavity walls that are not insulated, it is good to insulate them completely to avoid heat losses. Doing this will improve your BER rating.
Besides the external wall and cavity insulation, you may also consider internal wall and attic insulation. However, carrying out internal wall insulation may lead to decreased space inside your home due to additional insulation boards placed inside it. Attic insulation prevents heat loss through the roof and ensures that heat is kept inside your home. With proper home insulation, your BER will be high.
Install a Heat Pump
A heat pump is a device that controls your home’s climate by distributing the heat that is already available in the air. A heat pump will handle your home’s cooling and heating needs, making it very comfortable. This device will also help you to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint.
In the summer, the heat pump extracts the heat inside your home and moves it outside. It extracts the heat from the outside environment and transfers it inside your home to provide warm comfort in the winter.
A heat pump is a smart and clean way to heat, cool, purify, and dehumidify your home and your BER rating will be higher as an indirect benefit of this investment. If you are considering the installation of a heat Pump and wish to avail of an SEAI Grant then you will require a Technical BER carried out. Technical BER’s are carried out by trained Technical Assessors and they will, in additional to a standard BER assessment, provide you with your homes HLI (Heat Loss Indicator) which must be 2 or less to make it suitable for the installation of a heat pump to SEAI standard. If your home's HLI is greater than 2 the technical report will provide a guide to the required upgrades to make your home heat pump ready.
Upgrade your windows and doors
Most old windows entail inefficient glazing, which allows heat to escape from your home. This means that you need to upgrade your windows to avoid such heat losses that lead to higher energy uses in heating your home.
It is also possible to install insulating window shades that can protect against cold drafts and heatwaves. If you're more concerned with heat coming into your house than going out, you can apply reflective films on the windows facing the sun.
Some doors are also not properly sealed to retain heat inside a home, and such doors should be replaced with upgraded ones. A significant amount of heat is usually lost due to poorly insulated core. The most efficient doors have steel frames with a foam insulation core often called composite doors. Composite doors are highly insulated, cost-effective, as well as offering a high level of security. These upgrades will boost your BER rating and increase the value of your home.
Switch to energy-saving light bulbs
One of the easiest ways of improving your home's BER rating is swapping your tungsten, or halogen light with low-energy LED bulbs
Embracing smart LED as a permanent transition to more efficient lighting will reduce your energy consumption and, consequently, save you money in the long run. For instance upgrading from halogen to LED lighting in a kitchen with just six downlighters will reduce your energy consumption from 300w to just 30watts per hour or by 90%. LED light bulbs will also have a lifespan of 10 to 20 years, 10 times more than halogen or tungsten.
Invest in renewable energy
An increasingly popular way to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and improve efficiency is to embrace renewable energy resources such as solar energy. Solar is a clean source of electricity, and it does not produce any greenhouse gases. This means that investing in such an energy resource will automatically cut down your carbon dioxide emissions and improve your BER rating.
Meeting your energy needs by your own installed solar energy system will cut on your energy bills. The amount saved by the system depends on its size or the size of energy usage in your home. From your solar system, there is also a likelihood of receiving payments for the surplus energy generated. This is possible when your system is connected to the company’s power grid or the national grid.
Ready for your
BER Certificate?
Your chosen BER assessor provides the certificate upon inspecting your home and carrying out the BER calculation. We’re a registered BER assessor to carry out your home’s inspection and survey.